Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

While last year was Savannah's first Halloween this year was the first time she really went out - unless you count me walking her tongue mailboxes last year to see some lights. She picked out her own costume at Costco - meaning Marc held some up for her and she took one, hugged it and cuddled it and wouldn't let it go.

After dinner we got her costume on which she seemed totally fine with including the hood. This is miraculous since she doesn't seem to like anything on her head! She was then really fussy until Daddy took her out front to walk around. Then she brightened up, was loving watching everyone around (There was crazy traffic on our street) and waving nonstop. We stayed out for a bit but headed to our friends house to go trick or treating with them.

She must've walked at least half of the night but since she wasn't interested in going up to the doors most of her candy came from Lexy getting her an extra piece (so sweet!). She did meet a couple new friends -  an adorable little dog that she sat down, played and giggled with for a bit and a scary clown. We'll, scary to us - she thought he was great!

When she started to fuss we headed back to our friends' house. While daddy made a pit stop she started going through her candy. She had gotten a kit kat earlier and messed with it enough  to get a hole in the wrapper. She found it again and was eating the chocolate she could get out it.

When we got home she took another stroll around outside - our neighbors had their fire pit set up in their driveway so lots of people around. Then I caught the eye wipe so we headed inside.

Considering we were almost an our past bedtime she was so good for me to change her into pajamas. We sat down in the rocker and I started reading Goodnight Moon like I have every night since she came home. It turned into speed reading since I could see her dozing off but she still didn't make it. A couple rocks with her to snuggle and she was ready for bed. I have a feeling she's going to sleep really well tonight!

Mommy is off to steal on of her Twice then off to bed myself! 

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