After asking about things to keep Savannah busy while I’m working I received a great idea to put things in a jar. The idea being she can take them out then put them back in. So I went to my craft stuff piles, found a plastic jar and the plastic Easter Eggs we gave Savannah last year. She loves it!
They work so well I made a couple more out of Crystal Light containers, plastic bugs and cars from the dollar store. This time at her new table!
Another toy she really likes is her shape sorters. She can get frustrated with it but I let her figure it out – or sometimes she just throws the piece in defeat and moves on to something else..
But of course, cell phones are still a favorite.. I have a Kids Doodle program that she can “draw” with by swiping her finger on the screen and one called Baby Toy that shows her 6 big buttons that make sounds (animals, instruments or robots) when she presses them. However, none have a lock on them so she ends up in Google Search or checking stock prices etc instead of the toy apps.. This is when she stole my phone and ran crawled away with it..
To end, how cute are these little feet?
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