Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Little Reader

Tyler got a hold of Savannah's electronic book that says the name of the object when you touch it. He was obsessed with it most of the day! Ok, only after she was at school since she didn't want him playing with it before.. However after dinner she was reading other books and was fine with him playing with the electronic one. Explain that to me!?



Monday, February 23, 2015

Savannah’s Concert

I was able to get video of Savannah signing a bunch of songs.. Unfortunately it’s a little farther than I’d like so not real loud but hopefully you can turn the volume up on your computer to hear her.

Savannah's Concert

Sunday, February 22, 2015

More Cards

A couple cards I made for our friends' kiddos that just turned 1 and 5.

Mountain Climber

One of the ways up the playset at the small Park by our hoise is what I call the "mountain". Savannah has liked going up it for a whole but just recently has been able to do it by herself (I always stand behind her just in case). I got a video of it when Marc met us at the park on Friday although she had Daddy help her a little. She had just done it 2 minutes earlier completely by herself with me behind her!

Mountain Climber:

Lion Sharing

You’ve all seen Savannah’s lion chair by now. What you may or may not know is she doesn’t share.. We tease her but she doesn’t let us sit on it, lean on it etc. While we were watching TV Savannah told me “Tyler sit here.” while patting next to her on the lion chair. Even then I wasn’t allowed to lean on it with them. They already have their own bond and club..



Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tyler's Chauffeur

The walk home from the park yesterday was nice and slow - I didn't have to carry anyone! Savannah took charge of the stroller and Tyler so I took advantage and did the lazy walk on my own thing.

There were a few sidewalk run offs, some swaying right to left and pit stops to watch cars and trucks pass but it was a nice break for my arms.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Zumba Buddies

I have finally figured how to fit in exercise some days even though Tyler isn't sleeping through the night consistently. Marc's mom gave me her Zumba set to try and while I'm looking like a crazy flailing person it still seems to be a good workout. I haven't been able to get through the full workout but I've done the 20 minute express one twice and today I made it 30 or so minutes into the regular one (not sure how long it is) before Tyler started fussing from his nap.

This afternoon I left the box with the set on the floor and Sav immediately went through it when we returned home from the park. I don't know what they're for yet but she pulled out the Zumba sticks. It turns out they are kind of like rain sticks and make noise when you shake them. Both Sav and Tyler had a blast with them!

Buried at the Park

While we were at the park for Savannah to run around and play with Lexy I sat with Tyler in the sand. Sounds innocent enough, right? Well, Lexy decided she wanted to bury him.. And she did.. And he thought it was great.. Bathtime was a different story though – you wouldn’t believe how much sand could get stuck in all those rolls!



Monday, February 16, 2015

President’s Day

Savannah’s school is closed today for President’s Day so I have both kidlets here with me all day. I did get a bunch of work done last night so I didn’t have as much to do today but they have been doing great at entertaining themselves and each other.

Savannah served us breakfast.. Tyler’s might’ve been a little tough and smokey since it consisted of a bunch of cars but I got the croissant!!



They played with toys and read books together..



Savannah kept Tyler entertained with a show..

Savannah's Show 1

Savannah's Show 2

Savannah's Show 3

Savannah's Show 4


And the best part of the day, I found a way to work out with both of them - a dance game for the Nintendo Wii! May not be my best workout but we were sweating like crazy and had a great time. Tyler watched and bounced in his jumper and Savannah did a lot of jumping.


Hangin Tough

I’m sure my parents have at least tried to block it out of their memories but I loved New Kids on the Block. LOVED! And the other day at the park I got videos that match perfectly to one of their songs! Of course, YouTube doesn’t have it as one of the songs I can add to the video so it’s just playing in my head..

We went to the park by our house with Lexy and Marisa. Savannah wanted to do the monkey bars and hang – the videos are the third and fourth time, the first she hung on much longer!! She’s got some power in those arms of hers..

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Speed Reader

She had a little hiatus but Savvy's love of books has come back. Most days there are a dozen or so to pick up at night before we head upstairs, not counting any upstairs in the loft or her room.

As if her "reading" wasn't great enough, she's now using it to entertain Tyler. Tonight Tyler was starting to fuss a little (yes a little which equates to screaming with other babies) while I was finishing up dinner. Super Big Sis brought him a toy, Ran to the other room, brought back a book and started reading to him. Followed by another.. And another.. I believe there were six in the kitchen by the time we sat down - about 10 minutes later. She looks at every page and either says words of things she sees or sometimes I just hear jibberish (maybe what she thinks I sound like when I read to her?!).Tyler LOVED every minute of it, his fussing turned to smiling and giggling when she would say things like "Oh wow look!".

On a side note, as if I didn't know how great my kidlets are, this morning we went out to breakfast and another table picked up our check. They meant it to be anonymous but we were waiting for our check and the waiter finally told us someone else took care of it because we were "such a joy to have breakfast next to". The other table's waitress even stopped by again (she had taken a few steps at Tyler earlier) to relay their sentiments. I was floored. They told us who it was (didn't mention it was supposed to be anonymous) so we thanked them profusely - which is when they told us it was meant to be anonymous. I apologized and told them our waiter only told us because we were waiting for our check and he had to say something. I hope they weren't upset with him or their waitress! They told us again how great (they used a different word I can't think of now) our kidlets were and that they were adorable. I was able to get one more thank you out along with a have a nice day before Savannah was dying to go running up and down the shopping center's sidewalk - our weekly ritual. I am still gushing over it all if you can't tell. Marc and I really got lucky with our wonderful little ones!!

Playing with Ella

I took Savannah to a playdate while Daddy stayed home with Tyler a couple weekends ago. We were the first ones there which worked well for Savannah so she could run around and check everything out - she is still shy with a lot of other people around.

A lot of the time all the kids were doing their own thing and having a great time. After a lot of people cleared out (the center had multiple  birthday parties going on) we looked over and see Savannah and Ella playing with some kind of Lincoln logs at the table. It was adorable!

After lunch the girls were ready for some more play and not only did they run back into the play area by themselves, Savannah got up into the bounce house by herself and jumped all over. She was even smiling and laughing when a couple big Kids got in and she was being bounced all over!

We are so glad to have Ella (and the other kids) to play with, the girls are so wonderful together and great influences on each other!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine’s Fun

We did a bunch of different things for Valentine’s Day although I don’t think Savannah doesn’t seem to know what it is yet.


Gel Hearts that she could stick on the sliding door and fridge. She tried sticking them to her hand and arm like a sticker but alas it didn’t work. They did stay on Melanie and Rodney for a while though.



Paper Train we made for her school’s administration team. Filled it with Mini M&Ms and those chalky “conversation” hearts.



Valentine’s for her teachers. The first was for her main teacher with her handprint “holding up” the heart. For the colored hearts I had her fingerpaint a big piece of paper and cut it out to fill up the heart shapes.



A Valentine’s Bug (pom poms and pipe cleaner glued to a popsicle stick.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New shirts

Made a valentine's shirt for Savannah and another shirt for Marc as an anniversary present. Love doing these!!

Monday, February 9, 2015


Sometimes I am an outsider in my own house – and it’s ok! I don’t know what I was doing but suddenly the two kidlets were cracking up in the family room. I have a feeling once it started they just kept laughing at each other but it was hilarious.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sitting Up!

It turns out Tyler can sit up on his own for a bit - he just needs a thick rug or carpet! He's still pretty wobbly but blocks at Nana and Poppa's house kept him upright for a while! Until he got super excited and flung himself over lol