The kidlets are sick, not crazy bad but each have had up to 100.7 fever, coughing and congestion. Yet these pictures show how Tyler is taking it. What a trooper!

Friday, January 30, 2015
Tyler Talking
Found a couple videos of Tyler on my phone that I forgot to share. The boy really cracks me up
And some random cuteness pictures..
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Shirts and Paper Crafts
Some shirts and paper crafts I’ve made lately…
Tshirt for Marc
Tshirt for Savannah
Onesie for Tyler
Tshirt for Ella
Valentine Cards
New Year’s Page in Savannahs SMASHBook
Monday, January 26, 2015
10 Little Puppies
Last night when it was time for dinner Savannah wasn’t ready for it. While I was feeding Tyler she took care of her baby – gave her a bottle followed by burping her and laughing.
Then she decided to read so she ran into the dining room to get a book and sat on the floor between Tyler and me reading to us. My immediate thought was a video of me at 3 (or 4?) sitting in a rocking chair with a stuffed animal reading one of my books – I think about bears. She is my mini-me! Tyler was grinning at her in love as usual.
She of course did end up coming over to eat with the usual reaction to the chicken of “Don’t Like That”. She ate all the rice and carrots and wanted more. I told her she had to eat the chicken to get more rice (yes, there is still a lot of bribing). She took a bite and just like last time we had it (I think it’s called Shoyo Chicken?) she loved it, ate all on her plate and wanted more of it instead of rice. Silly girl.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Tyler’s Half Year
At 6 months Tyler is 20.5 lbs and 27 inches tall..For his pictures he was in a more serious mood than usual – I didn’t get the big laughs and smiles, just little grins. He’s rolling over both ways but mostly still from back to belly. He loves when Savannah shares her toys with him and makes faces at him (they have spitting wars). Eating is going soo much better – he currently eats peas, applesauce, zuchinni, sweet potatoes, acorn squash, butternut squash, bananas and rice cereal.
He is also starting to sit really well – supported of course – as his new pictures show.
And him trying to escape already!
Ready for my closeup.. Sortof.. Not really
Friday, January 23, 2015
Making Robots
I love the internet for coloring pages! It’s so great to be able to do a quick search for whatever Savannah is currently talking about or playing with and get a ton of images I can print out for her to color. Well, in her case she loves gluing things on them.
I don’t recall what started it but she all of a sudden was talking about robots. I have the movie “Robots” which she didn’t like at first so we turned it off after maybe 10 minutes. A couple days later she picked the case up and wanted to watch it. I reminded her she didn’t like it last time but she was determined to watch it. This time she loved it – watched the whole thing. Well, as good as she watches anything, she was running back and forth from the dining room with toys, doing puzzles and playing with her farm while “watching”.
I found a cute “love robot” image online and brought it onto my computer to trace so we could use it as a coloring page (the original image was all colored and more detailed than we needed). I printed out a copy for each of us to color, brought them downstairs and got the crayons, pom poms, foam shapes, sequins and glue.
Marc and I used crayons however Savannah was controlling them so she chose what color we could use when. Savannah colored for a couple minutes but then moved on to using the foam pieces. So much fun when we can do stuff like this together – can’t wait until Tyler can really join, this time he was limited to trying to take Marc’s paper from him and drooling on it
Our creations – Marc’s, Savannah’s and Margot’s
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Dino Tyler
The other day I received my order from for Tyler's hat. April is the wife of one of my techs and does great crochet work so when I saw a pic of a cute crochet hat online I messaged her to see if she could make one for Tyler. Well, it came out great! It took a few days to try it on since it's been in the 70s here buy today was chilly and perfect for a hat. He loved the braids hanging down to play with and gnaw and I love how stinkin cute he looks!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Toddler Twister
I’ve been trying to think of new and easy games to play with Savannah – anything to keep her occupied and having fun. I ran into a post online about twister and low and behold – Toddler Twister was born!
I took a long sheet of paper and drew different shapes in different colors all over it. I then taped it down to the carpet with painter’s tape and called Sav over. She got all excited before I even told her anything.
The idea was easy – I’d call out a color and shape and she’d stand on it on the sheet. She did great and really seemed to enjoy it.
The paper didn’t withstand the carpet well so I’ll have to make a new one and we’ll try on the tile this time..
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Tyler's Birth Page
Instead of baby books I'm doing what are called Smashbooks for them. Here is the page I did for Tyler's birth complete with ambulance and toilet.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
At Attention
This morning on the way to school I had told Savvy we could go to the Big Park after school buy it had rained real good so everything was soaked. I felt bad - maybe one day I will look at the weather - but she did really well with me telling her we couldn't go. While I fed Tyler she played by herself (doing who knows what) then started bringing her cars into the family room and asking of we could watch Cars. I told her we could after dinner and with a little while she said ok.
So after dinner I turned on Mater's Tall Tales with Savvy on the couch and Tyler on his playmat. She brought over her farm to play with Tyler, he got excited and turned into his belly to watch. She even gave him the pig to play with!
When I finished clearing the table I went to hang out with them. Tyler was watching the TV so I propped him up in his Boppy and he shocked the hell out of me and sat! He was wobbly and couldn't get back up when he went too fat forward but mommy was still proud. Savannah even clapped saying "Yay Tyler!". I'm telling you, she is the best big Sister around!
We All Giggle for Ice Cream!
Tonight while I was making dinner Savvy was playing with her kitchen making dinner. It consisted of ice cream and a pear (her latest favorite food).
She kept running from the dining room where her kitchen is to the family room, the front door and back. Low and behold I look and she had been giving Tyler dinner! He was surrounded by ice cream - which I say is a perfect dinner for a teething little fella.
He did get tired of the playpen so I moved him and his treats to his Highchair. It worked perfectly to keep him busy almost until dinner was ready.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Bottle Grabber
I still don't use bottles too much so this may not be new but last night when I was reading to Tyler before bed he held his bottle by himself! He drank more than half of it before he needed help with the angling of it. Considering he only napped maybe an hour and a half all day he should've been really tired too!