Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A New Ball

Friday was not one of Savannah’s happiest days, best we can figure she is teething again complete with a nose running like crazy and general whining. In a effort to help her mood (and to let me get some work done in peach – bless him!) Marc took Savannah to the store with him to pick up a few things. When they arrived home she had a new big purple bouncy ball and was happy as can be!

Not much later when it was time for her nap she would not part with it. Not a big deal except it took some creativity to keep hold of it while reading a couple books and snuggling. The end result:

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She has since slept without the ball but still carrying and tossing it around a lot downstairs. She is now very skilled at maneuvering around with it although she hasn’t figured out how to carry it up the stairs with her yet. This afternoon she clung onto it while Daddy ready her some books (little ones she stores in her shopping cart).

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