Today Savannah had her first day of Toddler school. No she’s not walking yet, she’s going to a different school until she does.
Our day started with playing and breakfast – complete with balloon – like every other day.
I didn’t bring the camera to drop off since I had paperwork and all her stuff with me to carry. We signed in and they took us to the Toddler 1 room (12-18 month old babies). I was carrying Savannah so she was able to see all around the room. She waved to a couple of the little girls and was checking out the room and teacher. I noticed her face get a little red but she didn’t cry or whine. I talked with the teacher – Chrystal - for a couple minutes, gave Chrystal Savannah’s diapers, change of clothes and straw cup in case she didn’t like their cups. Then I took Savannah over to the toy area where a couple of the babies were playing to put her down. She immediately saw a car and started “vroooom vrooom”ing with it. Chrystal had brought over a bin of Duplos and was getting them out which also caught Savannah’s attention so I gave her a kiss, said Bye and headed out. Mommy Savannah didn’t cry at all!!!
On my way out the ladies at the front desk handed me a First Day Survival Kit – travel size tissues, tea, Lifesaver and Hershey’s Kisses. So cute! :)
I sooo missed my little monkey while she was at school but I knew she was having a good time – I had forgotten to bring wipes so ran some back over and they told me she was having fun and all smiles. They have video of all the rooms but her class happened to be outside playing.
When I arrived to pick her up they were nearing the end of naptime. Savannah was awake but still on her nap pad pulling on another little girl’s blanket. Hmm.. We’re already mean.. :(
I chatted with her other teacher – Brittany – for a few minutes, was given her report card for the day and we headed home.. As I suspected her favorite part of the day was Music.. Love it!!
When we arrived home the puppies were sooo glad to see her!!
We went into the family room and I ended up getting a whole array of emotions in a 2 minute span.. I’m used to quick changes but this was crazy funny.. Curious, Happy, Crazed Happy and Squealing, Whiny then Goofy.. Whew!!
Then she let me know it was snack time – with a whine and throwing herself on the carpet. This girl is getting dramatic!! I’m wondering how hungry she was since she tried to share her biscuit with me and Logan…
Anywho, I survived Savannah kicked butt on her first day of school. Mommy is super proud of her and hopes she continues to enjoy it (and maybe even learn to walk?)!!
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