Friday, December 7, 2012

The Sav

We made it through Marc's first two nights of the new work schedule without any big problems. It is weird going to sleep without him being around and stinks he can't see Savvy before she goes to sleep. The upside is we all get to have dinner together every night. I've been trying to make sure Savvy is hungry around dinner so I can feed her while Marc eats then he takes over the last 5-10 minutes before he leaves. So far it's worked! Night three is tonight so we will see how it goes.

Schedule wise I'm still having issues trying to get everything done. Work, feeding/playing/caring for Savannah, cleaning and cooking dinner I've got down. The main thing falling out is exercise :-\ I don't know how people get everything done! I actually saw a movie called "I don't know how she does it" (good flick) and she even traveled for work although they had a nanny. I have a hard time getting to the store! One day I'll get it under control, I'm thinking after she's off to college ;-)

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