Saturday, December 29, 2012

Savvy Fonda

Tummy time is turning into a leg workout - bring on the leg warmers! Last night (when I didn't have the camera of course) Savvy was trying to pull her legs up under her like crazy while Marc was putting the bookshelves up in her room. Tonight I caught a little of the action on video.

Some of Savvy's new clothes came in yesterday - I was so excited I immediately put one of the pairs on jeans on. Too cute although they are too long on her, I had to roll the cuffs up twice to see her feet. The waist fits pretty good and since it's an elastic waist they should be good for a while as she gets bigger (and after a big feed). :)

If you recall, at Savvy's 4 month doctor's appointment she weighed 17 lbs.. I weighed her on the Wii this morning and it said about 15.5 lbs which included her pajamas and diaper. Marc doesn't trust the Wii but I thought it was pretty accurate when I used to use it. Oh well, healthy is all that matters!

It turns out the books have caused me to worry about a lot more things than needed. Most of not all warn to not put her in the crib when she's already asleep - that she should be a little awake. Makes sense but it doesn't work as she falls asleep while eating during the night routine (another supposed nono). The reason being they need to be able to fall asleep in their crib by themselves especially when they wake up in the middle of the night. We don't have that issue, even though 90% of the time she is placed in the crib while asleep we have a few nights like tonight where she is wide awake. She just plays with a toy and mirror or looks at stuff on the walls - there's a nightlight - for a while then goes to sleep when she's done or tired enough. It's great, especially on nights like tonight when I'm exhausted and almost falling asleep while feeding her. Nap time is still impossible in the crib. She'll fall asleep in our laps but when we try to put her in the playpen or crib she's up in 10-15 minutes. The swing however ends up with at least an hour of sleep. Don't know what we're going to do when she grows out of it!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Daddy Playtime

The biggest joy of Marc's days off is watching him play with Savannah. They are just too freaking cute! Video of Savvy and Daddy As I’m writing Marc is trying to figure out if Savvy is still hungry or just playing. Savvy has taken the bottle from Marc, pulled it out of her mouth then moving back towards her mouth. He was just smiling and watching her until he realized the bottle was dripping all over! So he tried to help which just led to her pushing the bottle all around and giggling with Daddy.

Now that the holidays are over Savannah has seen her first menorah, Christmas tree with lights, presents, her mom's crazy I-don't-know-what-the-heck-I'm-doing wrapping process (complete with tons of tape and sometimes sides showing) and snow! She really is keen on watching us do things - eyes open real wide and follows our hands or whatever we are moving. Luckily she doesn't try to master skills this early as I have a tendency to do things incorrectly for instance cutting towards my hand instead of away from it. Oh thank goodness she is surrounded by other good influences! ;-) 

As for the snow, she really only saw it through the window so far. We didn’t think to get her a big winter jacket and it was REALLY cold up in Flagstaff. Considering how fast she’s growing even if we had bought one it would’ve ended up being the wrong size since she’s now in 6mo and 9-12 month size depending on the brand. A friend of ours told me about The Childrens Place store and I love and hate her for it. I love their clothes, prices and sales but takes a lot of control to not keep buying it all! I had just ordered a couple things from their site as they are having a big sale so checked online for jackets and found an adorable three layer one that was half price plus could get an extra 30% off but alas, the only size available is 2T. Grrrr. 

Ripping It Up

We left of our presents at home instead of lugging them up to Flagstaff and back for Christmas. The plan was to open them when we returned on Christmas Day but we got home later than expected and Savannah was past ready for bed. 

The day after Christmas however the fun was on! It started with a present straight to the mouth. It was perfect sized for her to grab and the corner was nice and slobbery when she was done.

We then moved on to actually opening the presents. I pulled a little piece of the wrapping paper off and to our surprise Savannah grabbed it and pulled on the paper so I turned the box for her to get the paper off the whole present. It was great!! Each time she had the paper in her hand she kept a good grip on it. We tried to coax it out of her hand by putting the present in front of her to grab but no dice so we had to pull the paper out of her hand to get the next one done. We got through a half dozen or so before Savvy started getting tired or maybe it was overstimulated. Some videos of the fun (I think Daisy Clothes has the best shot of her tearing the paper: 

Googly Eyes Book
Daisy Clothes

Later on we opened the rest, Marc helping her instead of me. This time she was more interested in the toys than the paper however the TV got a lot of attention too. :)


In the end Savvy was one lucky and loved girl, she received so many wonderful presents!! I can't wait for her to be able to use them all, they look like so much fun!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012


While Savvy still loves her stuffed puppy (and monkey, bunny, basically anything stuffed) she is now getting more interested in the real ones. She not only watches them when they are around if they come close enough she will touch them too! She has grabbed their hair a couple times and they had no reaction which is great but still keeping an eagle eye on the whole thing just in case.

She seems to be a lollipop as Sierra, Melanie, and Rodney have all licked her at one time or another. We go through a lot of wipes to clean her up - I'm thinking it's not so good for the dog licked hand to go in her mouth (YUK!!). Dakota so far has not licked her but still seems to go into her room at least some nights. I wish the camera recorded as I'm curious as to what happens - my assumption is he sleeps at the side of the crib near her like he does when we're in the rocking chair. Maybe when she gets older she can tell us :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Rice Cereal!

Decided to try feeding Savannah some really diluted cereal tonight. I used the Gerber Rice Cereal since it seemed to be the most used first food. And of course one of her cute bowls and spoons. :)

I've been having Savvy in her high chair at the edge of the kitchen while I cook since it seems to help avoid fussy time. Not sure if it's watching me or a different viewpoint but much easier regardless!

Thankfully Marc had a few extra minutes before he had to leave for work so he did the feeding while I held the camera. 

And a couple videos :)

She did VERY well - much better than I expected since I've read the first time (or few times) many babies don't take to it at all or most of it ends up on them or the bib. There was more on the bib than normal with a bottle but not too bad!

Afterwards, we had some goofing off - all with hand in mouth of course. 

Then we had to say bye to daddy as he left for work :(

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Savvy's Checkup

I'm not sure we can call Savvy ”little" anymore.. She is now 25 inches long and 17 lbs, in the 95th percentile! Totally shocking since I've read the average is 20 lbs at a year. She was just 11 lbs at her last checkup so wasn't expecting a 6 lb gain in two months. Doc told us she is doing wonderfully and to keep with feeding her whenever she is hungry. Needless to say I am not worried about her not getting enough food anymore.

We also got the OK from Doc to try baby oragel, hopefully it will relieve some of her discomfort she seems to be having. She spends a lot of her awake hours with her hand in her mouth, not interested in the teething toys.

I am very happy that she is doing wonderfully according to the Doc so we just keep on trucking our way. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Four months!!!

Where does the time go - how did we already get to four months?!?

On the other hand, while I loved the first few months with our little monkey I am having so much more fun now. I can't get enough of the giggles, coos, and laughs, and watching her learn and advance is so awesome.

Before taking this month's pictures I was messing with Savvy to get the giggles and was able to capture a video. Love this oneSavvy's Giggles

Really love how these four month pictures came out using a piece of fabric as the background instead of the previous months of pillows, swing etc. The colors really pop out and she looks even more angelic. ;)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Belated Hanukkah Pictures

Video is here:

Playing around with the tuning etc in Picasa for the pictures. Not sure the shiny white was my best choice for fabric without a lot of experience touching up pictures but I love the fabric.

Blankies Galore

As I was cleaning up downstairs tonight I tossed all the baby stuff into the playpen as I came across it. I find it amazing no matter where I sit with Savvy there's never a lovies etc in reach when so much ended up in there! And it doesn't even include the toy round-up I did earlier.

No new pictures of the little one today as she needed more TLC for what I can only guess (with help from others) is teething. The teething toys I've given her so far are responded to with an awkward "what is this weird thing you are putting in my mouth" look but she's taking the frozen washcloths some. Poor little girl! :-(

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sitting and Hand Sucking

Marc and i had our first night out without the monkey last night. It was good but very weird not having her with me even though I knew she was in great hands. We went to Marc's work holiday party where I realized I am not used to drinking anymore. I had two beers and two Jager-bombs (thanks to his boss) and it was rough! Luckily Savvy went down real easy when we got home around 11 as I was soo ready for bed.
Had a great Saturday with Savvy and Marc, our last one of the year since Marc is working the rest of them. A bunch of fun be bopping and playing with Savvy and a lot of her sucking on her hand. Was mentioned last night it could be teething which would make sense but seems so early! Yet another thing to ask about at her four month appointment on Thursday. Four months - sheesh!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Sav

Our luck with easy bedtime may have run out. Tonight is the third night she has not gone to sleep with the normal routine. Last night we had to go back twice before she went to sleep. Tonight she was pretty much asleep while eating so I brought her to my shoulder for a burp. I got one but then looked at her and she was awake again. It has happened before and she ends up hanging out in her crib then falling asleep. Tonight I turned the monitor on and she's crying a little , more like whimpering. I'm waiting it out a few minutes to see if she goes to sleep (fingers crossed).

On a good note, Savvy has been pulling her head up for a little while when propped on the boppy pillow. She also grabs my fingers and loves to be pulled up to a sitting position then lowered back down. Low and behold, tonight she sat up for a couple minutes (see attached)! I think she tried to do it again after but ended up with her chest on her legs.

Just noticed the red bar on the monitor has stopped and she looks asleep so I'm off to bed to get some zzzzs in now in case she doesn't make it through the night. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Sav

It is hard to get long sleeves on a baby! I have to do it sometimes since the outfits are so stinking cute, oh yea because it gets cold too. Like this one barely in the picture. :)

Tried to take a walk today with the carrier and got to the next door neighbor's house before she totally lost it. Bummer!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Sav

Tried Sav in the carrier that holds her on my chest so I have two free hands, went well for about 10 minutes or so at home then she started fussing. I think she was getting tired so it is probably why. Ended up keeping her in the car seat in the stroller again to run some errands except carried her in my arm for the last store. She fell asleep on the way home and I after unbuckling one side I couldn't bring myself to finish and possibly wake her. She looked so darn cute and peaceful!

One of these days I hope we get the carrier working better as she is getting heavy to carry in the car seat!


Friday, December 7, 2012

The Sav

We made it through Marc's first two nights of the new work schedule without any big problems. It is weird going to sleep without him being around and stinks he can't see Savvy before she goes to sleep. The upside is we all get to have dinner together every night. I've been trying to make sure Savvy is hungry around dinner so I can feed her while Marc eats then he takes over the last 5-10 minutes before he leaves. So far it's worked! Night three is tonight so we will see how it goes.

Schedule wise I'm still having issues trying to get everything done. Work, feeding/playing/caring for Savannah, cleaning and cooking dinner I've got down. The main thing falling out is exercise :-\ I don't know how people get everything done! I actually saw a movie called "I don't know how she does it" (good flick) and she even traveled for work although they had a nanny. I have a hard time getting to the store! One day I'll get it under control, I'm thinking after she's off to college ;-)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Get a Grip!

Marc was just feeding Savvy and she took the bottle - holding it all by herself! Holy crap!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Studious at Breakfast

Not sure I sent this one in the first email, I was just looking through the snaps and it cracked me up. She either looks very studious (is that a word?!) or is plotting something. I might be afraid...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Sav

Had a good and easy drive up to Flagstaff today. Nice and chilly so we bundled Savvy up in her new pajamas. Soo cute! We didn't realize it had so many buttons though..  Buttons, not snaps!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My First Boo!

No costume tonight since Daddy is working (might try tomorrow just for the photo op :-).. I love that  the bib is almost as big as her and Grandma Vee brought the adorable socks with candy corn!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Sav

First day back to work went well with Sav, she digs her new swing in my office!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Sav

Marc finally has a few days off of work which is great by itself but even better as I got to sleep in! He's been hogging the little one all morning, I finally got a hold of her this afternoon while he takes a nap. :-)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Sav

Sleep is a crazy thing. At first Sav didn't want to nap even though her eyes could barely stay open and the yawns were a plenty. I finally put her in the swing and she fell asleep a half an hour or so later. Picked her up a couple hours later as she should be hungry and she first fell asleep on my shoulder. The only suddenly she started slipping down and is now sleeping on her own arm on the inside of my elbow. I can't believe Sav is comfortable and not all that comfortable to me but she is so cute I don't want to move! And totally taking advantage of any cuddle time I can get since I'm about to have to start work (bah!) again. :-)

Happy two month birthday to our little monkey!