One of Savannah's birthday presents was a set of Magformers. Her set included squares and triangles with magnets on each side that she can build with. First she was just making them in piles (squares vs triangles), messing up her piles then doing it again.
Then I showed her the booklet it came with and she was super excited to build the things shown. Meaning she wanted us to build then for her. We obliged and tried to have her help but she got frosted very easily because they stick to whichever one you get them close to - and it's not always the right place.
This morning she brought them out and wanted me to build again. I told her she should try and I'd help her and gave her the booklet. She got started and after a couple "Oh my gosh, that's not right!" she had the first side of a rocket done. I held up the first two pieces going vertical then showed her if she put the third next to them they'd stay up by themselves (the third was a different direction so it was like a stand for the first two). I let go and she finished all by herself! She was super proud of her rocket as she should be!