Thanks to a tip from Amy and Ella, we found out the zoo has programs for the kidlets. Marc booked us for a Breakfast with the Animals program on Saturday – this month is monkeys! Believe it or not we had to wake Savannah up in the morning so we could be at the zoo by 8AM.
While waiting to get in, Savannah and Tyler were checking out the ducks in the water below the bridge. Well, Tyler was watching Savannah more than the ducks but he was still amused.

First thing when we went in was a walk to the C.W. & Modene Neely Education and Event Center for monkey related activities and a light breakfast. Our kidlets played with the Barrel of Monkeys – Savannah with the monkeys and Tyler with the Barrel..

Then Savannah fed the monkey box with bananas and tweezers (she was amazingly good with the tweezers!)..

Followed by feeding the big monkey (baboon?) with bean bags..

VIDEO: Feed the Gorilla Game
After a quick bite to eat we headed over to Monkey Village to help the zookeeper feed the real monkeys. I held Tyler and the camera while Marc helped Savannah get ready. They had to wear masks and gloves to ensure the monkeys’ food didn’t get contaminated. We were reliving the book “Outbreak”! Ok, maybe not quite that bad..

The zookeeper brought out bowls of food for the kidlets to pour into buckets. Savannah seemed unsure since there wasn’t a bucket for each kidlet so Daddy and a nice little boy helped show her what to do.

The zookeeper then took the buckets into Monkey Village and hung them around for the monkeys to get. They were all over the place swinging, jumping and having a grand ol’ time.

After all the food was out we all went into Monkey Village to watch more closely and talk to the zookeeper. They had some Q&A time but we were busy watching the monkeys. 
It turns out the price for the program included the day’s admission for the zoo as well. Savannah was overly excited when we told her we could go see more animals and took off down the path.

Daddy made a quick stop back at the center to pick up our things while Savannah and I hung out at the slide right outside. That’s where she first saw the Carousel.

It turns out since we brought our own cups to use Savannah was given a sticker good for a free ride on the carousel (normally $3). I took Savannah on while Daddy and Tyler watched from the side. We walked around checking out the animals and she decided to ride on the Giraffe even after I explained to her that it wouldn’t go up and down like the others.

She then wanted to see the sheep. Yes, we were at the zoo and she wanted farm animals. We checked the signs and there was a “farm” and petting zoo so we headed over. On the way we saw some turtles and ducks on a log. Tyler took this time to take off his sock and start gnawing on it.

We stopped by the flamingos..

And both Tyler and Savannah cooled off their hands in a fountain.

When we found the zoo, we first saw a horse, donkey and goat in their pens. Savannah got to “ride” on a wooden horse with a saddle while Mommy and Daddy checked out our measurements as horses (Mommy is a Thoroghbred while Daddy is a Clydesdale).

We saw a couple sheep in a pen but she took a look and moved on. We steered her to the petting zoo part and she had a great time brushing the goats!

Tyler pet one too but wasn’t sure he liked it..

It may have been he was super tired since we were already past his naptime – he was happy to sit in his stroller again and gnaw on the edge of his pacifier.

Savannah was just a tad happy to see a couple owls on our way out of the park and a couple gibbons in a tree making TONS of noise you could hear from very far away.

Mommy was starving so on the way home we stopped at Portillos for some food. Tyler had passed out probably seconds after we left but Savannah was still going strong, especially when she realized there were fries involved!