I am in love with the blog Fun at Home with Kids that I recently ran across. I think I found it from the “Reasons Why My Son is Crying” Facebook page but not sure.
Regardless, the first post I saw I just had to try with Savannah – it was for Magic Foaming Spiders. Sav LOVES spiders. Well, she hasn’t seen a real one yet but any others she loves – like the massive one our neighbors have in their yard for Halloween. We pass it every day to and from school and she always says “Hi Spider!” and “Bye Bye Spider” with a wave. I thank my lucky stars that the spider as big as a VW car (or even if it was just a few inches) is not real or I’d be dead from fear and shock on the sidewalk. I don’t even want to hear how afraid of us they are..

Back to our Magic Foaming Spiders.. There was some prep work that I did after the kidlets were asleep. Ok, so I could’ve let Sav help but then she would’ve wanted to play with them and we would’ve just had messy spiders instead of Magic Foaming Spiders. It was real easy – Just mix baking soda, cornstarch and liquid watercolor together, mold into “spider” shape, add pipe cleaner legs (and yes, mine only have 6 legs each instead of 8.. I may have ripped a couple out to give myself a running chance) then put in freezer overnight. Ours actually stayed in a couple nights so we could do it with Daddy.

Last night before bed Daddy brought in the spiders and put a bunch of vinegar in a pan. After the first one dropped in the pan the foam began! I’m guessing my proportion of coloring to baking soda/cornstarch was low because on the site where I found it their foam was super pretty and ours was white. Not that Savannah cared (or knew the difference) but I was really hoping for colored foam.

She loved watching the foam and kept saying “Spiders!” over and over.

Once the three spiders were in the pan, she started playing with the foam and pulling the spiders out to check on them.

Soon enough (after adding vinegar multiple times) they had fizzled out and she was left with a pan of liquid and pipe cleaners. She kept shaking it trying to get more foam (what I had done to get more foam before adding vinegar) but alas, they were gone.

The only downside – she was not happy when we told her it was all done. We promised we’d do the foam again another day even offered other shapes like stars and hearts and she seemed satisfied..