Our little girl is two!! She seems older and older every day – she’s talking more and more, understanding more than I can believe and the wonderful word “NO” is her new favorite. It’s the answer to most everything now a days.
For Sav’s birthday we went up to Nana and Poppa Wienke’s house then off to Butterfly Wonderland. During the car ride I looked up the sign for butterfly and taught it to Sav. I can’t believe I hadn’t done it before since she loves butterflies but better late than never. She mainly ate her snack and checked out the white trucks and airplanes.
Butterfly!!! Video

We watched the movie at Butterfly Wonderland but not sure how much Savannah got from it – the movie was 3D but she didn’t want to wear the glasses. I took off my glasses for a minute to see what it looked like and it was very blurry. Afterwards we proceeded into the butterfly atrium. It is a huge area set up like a rainforest – lush, green and SUPER humid!

Savannah was immidiatly shy so it took us a little bit to show her that there were butterflies all over. When she realized it there was a glimmer of happy in between her shyness. We ended up having to carry her for some of the time but were able to get close to the butterflies and put her down (squatting right next to her) to check them out close up.

Some of the butterflies we saw.

They even had neat butterfly planters in the lobby which were really neat.

After we finished at Butterfly Wonderland we headed back to Nana and Poppa Wienke’s for lunch, cake and presents. Savannah loved the cake Nana Wienke picked out for her! Singing Happy Birthday

Next it was present time. We brought a few of the smaller presents with us for her to open – she really has the hang of opening them now!

We were starting to get tired..

So one last present from Nana and Poppa – the best one of the day, her own tablet!! Hopefully this means I’ll get my phone back :)