I don't think I took pictures Sav's room after decals went up. Because of the light the decals don't show well and I realized after I took the pictures they are all slightly different colors from exposure but it shows the general idea. :-)

Sunday, March 30, 2014
We Love Messy Babies!
Savvy really likes finger (and hand) painting. So much that the stuff is hidden from her view so we don't have multiple melt downs every day when we can't do it. She mainly paints with her whole hand - her teacher says she does the same at school - but this afternoon I showed her using just one finger and she mimicked for a while.
I grabbed a couple stamps to try but they did not work well with the finger paints. She did great with the stamps, they just slipped on the finger paint paper so they were just a big smudge. Will have to get some kid safe ink to try them again.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Laundry Helper
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Hanging Out
The upside to the job dilemma is the time Marc and Savvy get to spend together. While dinner was finishing up tonight they were hanging out watching some Signing Time. With her "shadow" Melanie of course..
Friday, March 7, 2014
Eating... Grass?!?
Our dogs are notorious for eating grass. A lot of people say it is from an upset tummy but they are not sick all the time - how often they eat the grass.
A few minutes after yelling at Melanie to stop eating the grass this afternoon or look over and what do I see? Savannah is laying on the porch about to eat the grass! ! She found it hilarious. OK, so she didn't actually eat any but she really looked like she was going to. She may be spending too much time with Melanie...
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Big Girl Bed Progress
The first night in her "bed" (crib with the front taken off) Savannah rolled out of it around three am. Marc heard a thud then crying - he was having trouble sleeping - and went up to get her. By the time he changed her diaper she was wide awake. Since it was Saturday night and Marc didn't have to work the next day I turned off the monitor and went back to sleep. Sort of... I was up every half hour or so, noticed Marc wasn't there and fell back asleep. Around 6 am Marc came back to go to sleep.. I found out in the morning that he was still awake so hadn't tried to put her down all that time.
Night two, I woke to whining around 2 am. By the time I got to her room (had to go potty first) she was at the door. I ended up in her room for a little over an hour before she went back to sleep. There was a little reading and lots of rocking in the chair with her lullaby cd. I don't know if she fell out but suspect she just woke up.
Night three I woke to her falling out again and crying around 1 or 2 am. I ran over to her room and she was trying to get back in her bed already. I helped her but after a couple minutes she was up. I didn't want to start a trend of getting up and doing the night routine again so we went to the rocker and after some crying she gave in and Snuggled to go back to sleep. It was about 45 minutes from the time I got up until I went back to sleep.
While we had lined the floor with pillows so she wasn't getting hurt I went out today and bought a bed rail to ensure she wouldn't fall again. She was unsure of it when she saw it tonight but figured out she could crawl into the bed still from the end.
Well, she obviously didn't fall out of the bed but woke at midnight or so crying a little. I waited a few minutes but she didn't fall back asleep so I went in. She was still laying down so I rubbed her back hoping she'd pass out. Nope.. Back to the rocker but just for 15 or so minutes and I out her back in bed. I thought she had fallen asleep but she got upset when I put her down. I laid her back down, rubbed her back again for a minute, gave her a kiss and told her I loved her and goodnight and headed out. She cried but by the time I got the monitor and headed downstairs she was done. 10 minutes later (the time we wait to see if she goes to sleep) and she's pretty much out. She keeps making little whines but those ones where she's pretty much asleep. I'm heading back to bed hoping she really goes to sleep.. And may let her cry a bit if she gets up again.. My only concern tonight is she didn't really eat any dinner but she won't take the water I offered so she can't be starving. Crossing my fingers!
Monday, March 3, 2014
Big Girl Bed Step 1
When it was time to get ready for bed I took Sav upstairs and into her room. She immidiatly went back to her bed to play with her toys. She took a short bath then back to her bed as soon as I let her. She was pointing to her books so I brought her a few and she read them to her toys while sitting on her bed. It threw off our normal routine of reading in the rocker and while she was yawning like crazy she didn't look ready for sleep. So I picked her up to go to the rocker and try our norm.
We read one book then (through a little whining) she cuddled up to me and started drifting off. I put her in her bed, tucked under a comforter that was also tucked under the mattress so if she moves a lot she hopefully won't fall out. Just in case, I put three pillows down on the floor so she'll fall on them. Crossing my fingers it doesn't happen! Really wishing the video part of our monitor was still working now.. I will be picking up a kids step stool tomorrow as she is having a hard time getting into her bed. And possibly the mesh "rail" I can put on the side to keep her from rolling off.
I don't have any pictures but here is a video and some random ones from my phone :)
Playing Piano