Then came her turn which started with interested looks and ended with smacking.
Then she realized Daddy’s ploy was to keep her entertained so he could get stuff done on his computer – and totally foiled it! The monkey always wins :)
Have a bunch of videos and pictures I haven’t shared, so here you go!
Beached Whale (Very Beginning)
And some pictures…
Hanging with Mommy
All wrapped up
New cup from Grandma Wienke.. Haven’t tried it out yet but Sav loves the straw
Ended up buying some pre-packaged food for this week just in case..
Trying to get up the couch
We had a wonderful time on our trip back east. Savannah was such a good baby on the flight even though it was an hour and a half longer than it was supposed to be. We were out and about almost the whole 6 days, our activites included
Savannah really ate everything we did – I couldn’t believe it. She had beef ribs, crab cakes, calamari, bruschetta, and carbonara amoung other things. Of course, everyone thought she was just too cute (can you blame them?!) and so unbelievably happy go lucky. That’s my girl!
I was so happy to see so much of my family and friends (some not seen for YEARS!). We really need to get back there more often.. If only the plane tickets weren’t so darned expensive and Marc had more vacation time..
While I remembered to bring the camera I forgot to take hardly any pictures!!! Horrible Mommy, I know. I did get one VIDEO of Marc tickling Savannah after breakfast.
Savannah playing with the xylophone at Grandpa David and Grandma Tena’s house.. The mallet was a better lollipop than part of the instrument most of the time.
An an unexpected surprise – Savannah met her cousin Spencer!! They were sooo cute together – playing and giggling in the car, making faces at each other. She really mimic’d him a lot! By the time I remembered to grab a snap Savannah was pretty tired so we didn’t get any smiles but I’m just glad they got to hang out.
Tena brought a huge bunch of balloons to Dad’s birthday dinner. Since Ben (the only other kid there) was travelling back to New York in the morning we figured just leave them at the restaurant. Savannah was not on board with this plan. As we were leaving she grabbed hold of a couple of strings and they ALL came with us. I tried to pull them out of her hand but she had the death grip on them. So we ended up with a trunk full of balloons!
The next afternoon we went to a BBQ at some friends’ house where there were a bunch of kids. We pulled the balloons out of the trunk and while the regular ones were droopy the mylar balloons were still holding strong. Each kid got to pick out a balloon and we tied the last one to Savannah’s stroller. Little did we know this balloon would provide so many hours of entertainment.
Everywhere we went with the stroller she was playing with the string and the balloon – I think we’ll have to invest in some more now that we’re home!