Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mumbo Bumbo

While Grandpa David and Grandma Tena were here for a visit we took a trip to Toys R Us to get Savvy a Bumbo seat. The first time we tried to use it Savannah didn’t seem to fit in it well – her left leg got stuck and I didn’t want to pull on it too hard to try and get it in. But we don’t give up after just one attempt!

The next morning while still in her pajamas we tried again and she plopped right in. She looked around and tried it out to see what it was all about testing it’s limits by bending over and reaching for things.

When we got the big smile I knew it was all good. I took down one of her toy bins and propped it up next to her so she’d have plenty to keep her busy and she stayed happy as a clam for almost an hour!!
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Since then I’ve realized that having pants on works best, she already has mommy’s thunder thighs and the friction between them and the Bumbo seems to be what keeps her from fitting when they’re naked. So pants it is!! She’s been having a lot of fun now that I’ve figured it out.

While it is to be used on the floor I have cheated and put her in the middle of the big ottoman. The first time was when the pups were getting hyper so she could see them playing. She was grinning ear to ear while watching them.

So in short, Bumbo = SCORE!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sea Life Aquarium

We had our first visit to the aquarium last week. Especially considering Savvy had her Well Exam a few hours earlier including *3* shots she seemed to have a great time!
We took her up to all the exhibits so she could see all the fishes and boy did she stare.  We tried pointing at different fish for her to look at but she mostly fixated on one and tracked it as long as possible.

DSCN0234Loved watching her eyes open big to see and her little hand reach out for the fish, wish I could've been in that cute little head to know what she was thinking!

Some of the fishes we saw..

I didn’t realize how green the room was where we took these last pictures, they’re blurred but can still see how cute Savvy is!

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Grandpa David and Grandma Tena’s Visit

Savannah had a visit from Grandpa David and Grandma Tena for Valentine’s Day and her 6 month birthday (not sure if planned that way but that’s how it worked out!). There was lots of playing, singing and of course cuddling. She had just started reaching out for our faces, nuzzling up to our necks so what a great time to share.

We went on long walks almost every day much to Savannah’s delight (and whichever dog came with us each time). Hiking however did not go as planned. We originally tried with the front carrier and very shortly had a very upset baby. So we switched to the stroller which had Savannah satisfied but turned out the trails were not made for it.. After a few attempts across sand I finally cried defeat and we headed back to the car. We’ll need to practice with the carrier more..

We were able to meet the Wienke grandparents for dinner on one of the nights Marc was off. On the way to dinner Savvy was serenaded by Grandma and Grandpa with songs and lots of laughter (you might be able to see her reflection at the bottom of the mirror in the picture). 

A few minutes of fussy when she needed a new diaper but overall calm and quiet, entertained by her toys while we ate even though we were out WAY past her bedtime!

She had a great time hanging out with two of her three East Coast grandparents and is now excited to see the third in a month!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Half a Year Already?!?

It’s been six months since we first met Savannah, what a whirlwind it’s been! I still can’t believe how easy we’ve had it like sleeping through the night before she was three months old, so happy and content.. She’s able to bend forward from sitting to pick up toys then back to sitting position again (supported sitting), roll from back to tummy as well as tummy to back, starting to make consonant sounds along with all her vowels.. I even got all 10 nails trimmed last night while we watched a Baby Einstein DVD – a feat I’ve never accomplished before, I could maybe get a couple at a time.

Found a cute purple butterfly fabric at Joann’s for this month’s pictures.. Savannah was more interested in playing with her 6 month sticker and feet..

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I couldn’t decide on a single picture to use of course.. I had about 50 – more than normal since I kept getting the wrong position and missing her head or arms.. I did change the settings on the camera this month and I think the pictures turned out a lot better.




Monday, February 18, 2013


The noises this child makes are sooo funny.. Caught this video of Marc and Savannah playing with both of them making funny noises.. :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Plethora of Videos

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I realized I have a bunch of pictures and videos I never shared. Turns out I’m more camera crazy than I thought. Smile with tongue out So here are some of the videos with random pictures thrown in for visual appeal.

January 18th:
Oh These Funny Dogs..
Playing with the mustaches for a friend's party.

January 19th:
Tummy Time 1
Tummy Time 2

January 28th:
Rolling to see Melanie
Tracking Melanie
Melanie Trying to Pet Savannah

February 2nd:
Tummy Time with Dakota
Tummy Time - Leaf Eating
Gnawing Pears


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Grabby Hands

I was working on the couch this afternoon with Savannah next to me and all of a sudden she decided the computer should come with her.. (VIDEO) 
However, it was short lived as the TV was on and she couldn’t decide which was more interesting.
The girl is really getting gutsy with her movements – or maybe just floppy - as you’ll see in this video. She can get all the way down, sometimes falls to her belly but then she’s at a loss.. Or maybe she really was trying to eat my knee, I did have bacon for breakfast and believe I dropped a piece. ..

Monday, February 11, 2013

Private Roller and Learning to Fly

The books (and people) say that babies roll from their tummies to their backs first. Once again, Savannah did not get the memo.. When she’s through on her tummy she starts wimpering, I’ve tried letting her go and talking to her but she gives up and starts crying. Also tried rolling her myself but she’s not interested in trying herself.
I have not seen her roll from her back to her belly however here is how I found her this morning..
We still put her to bed on her back and last couple times I had checked on her she was sleeping on her side then playing with toys on her back. Apparently rolling over is a private thing, not something to share with Mommy or Daddy. Little stinker!!
Later in the afternoon, tummy time turned into a Superman audition.. Note Daddy’s hand making sure she doesn’t actually take flight Winking smile
And back by popular demand, another round of Butt Squeaks!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our First Hike!

This morning we took Savannah for her first hike at San Tan Mountain. Super-Daddy Marc not only came with us but had Savvy in the carrier! It was pretty chilly out (for us) at 45 degrees and really windy but thankfully I had a pair of sweatpants, sweatshirt, and fleece hat to get the little one all snuggled up.

On the way Savvy was checking out all the sights outside the window, she is so curious and attentive. She caught me taking pictures and couldn't decide if the camera or outside was more interesting to look at. (video)

We arrived, met our friends, Marc got Savannah in the carrier with her cute little hat and we were off!


 She was trying to look around at all the surroundings but the wind kept getting her so she ended up burying her face in Marc’s chest. Marc pulled her hood over the hat to keep as much wind from hitting her as possible. About 20 minutes into the walk we stopped for a few minutes and she started to get fussy. Turns out she doesn’t like standing still – as soon as we got moving again she was fine. She actually ended up napping for a bit!

I think we we out for about 45 minutes total, not bad considering the wind chill! She was awake when we arrived back at the cars so our friends caught a picture of us all in the parking lot (note to self to get a picture ON the mountain with her next time).

And then it was back to the car to head home with our happy little girl..

Red heart I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect time with my cute family!! Red heart

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cruisin' Around

I'm trying to get Savannah out as much as possible even if just for errands. Now that she's grabbing toys and playing with them I swapped her carrier toys out for one that when she pulls on it it vibrates and moves. She really seems to be getting a kick out of it - and loves that it can get to her mouth! 


Her motor skills are soaring! She can bend over to pick up a toy and sit back up, uses her feet to help get toys to her hands when out of reach and passes toys between her hands. The last couple weeks she's been grabbing Marc's and my face while looking at us like she's trying to figure it all out. 

In addition to getting her out, unless she's sleeping when we get to our destination I've been carrying her instead of leaving her in the carrier/stroller. This way she can really see all over the place - and boy is she looking at everything. The more colors the better! While in stores I go through sections with lots of colors or textures to really get her going. She's also getting much more social with people - as you can imagine she gets a lot of attention from everyone who notices her!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

President Wienke

I've been watching The West Wing on Netflix lately. When ever the opening credits start (music) Savannah turns towards the tv and stares. When the show actually starts she's completely uninterested, not a fan of the drama. :-)

This morning she was in her jumper and bent all the way back to check it out, I thought she was going to fall over! And like  clockwork she was back to playing with the toys, talking and staring at the dogs when the song stopped.