Sunday, September 30, 2012

Big Eats

Knock on wood but things have been going really well. Savannah has been asleep by 10 and not too fussy during the day. Maybe she knew Marc has been sick and was taking it easy on us.

Need to touch up the eyes on the computer but got a good snap of tummy time this morning! A half an hour later she ate 180 mL over an hour and a half - i can't believe she can hold all of it but was fussy until I kept feeding her. I thought she would just pass out but now she's hanging out in the playpen looking around. I have a feeling there will be a long nap or a real good night tonight!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sav has really found her hands - they are in her mouth a lot and she's having less want for the pacifier. Hopefully she doesn't turn into a thumb suckered but we can deal with that if need be. She's been more fussy the last couple days than we are used to and not eating as much but nothing to worry about. On a good note, bedtime is getting easier and easier.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


With Sav being awake more hours during the day we are getting a lot more play time! The new toys and books are great, she loves being read to and I love reading books I have seen since I was a kid.

This morning Sav was keeping herself company with the mirror while I aye breakfast, was so cute! She would smile and look like she was giggling then a look of confusion then a blank stare and all over again.

She's growing so darn fast, I'm trying to get as much wear out if her cute newborn clothes as possible. We're already using 0-3 month clothes to supplement since many newborn items are too small.

Saw an adorable Halloween costume at Target we are going to try and get although it won't fit her until next year. This year I think it will be an orange onesie :-)

Off to read another book before sleeping sets in again. :-)

Savvy (and parents)

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Sav

Just returned from Sav's one month checkup and all is well. She is now 9 pounds and 21.5 inches, already growing like a weed! She has already outgrown some of her newborn clothes.

She is not a fan of the vaccines, not that I'm surprised. Luckily it was just one today but next month she's getting a boatload.

I am still recovering from last night's big poo, every time I smell something I cringe that it might be another one!

She is really looking around a lot when awake, seems to focus on things very well and the short little smiles are coming more often - so cute!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Sav

Caught a big smile on camera! If I remember correctly, a nice B.M.
followed but totally worth it!! ;)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Smile on Camera

Caught a big smile on camera! If I remember correctly, a nice B.M.bfollowed but totally worth it!! ;)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Looking around

Savannah is really looking around a lot more now, even with the lights on at times! Made it through Marc's first two days back at work well, exhausting but not bad. Just need to remember to nap..

Caught the attached of Sav checking out the room. Had a big day yesterday with shopping and a friends birthday party, or unfortunately it was followed by a night of little sleep. Hopefully it is because of the say instead of our new bedtime routine. Today Sav and I are just hanging out while Marc is working so will see how we do alone :-)


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Sav

Caught the attached of Sav checking out the room. Had a big day yesterday with shopping and a friends birthday party, or unfortunately it was followed by a night of little sleep. Hopefully it is because of the sdy instead of our new bedtime routine. Today Sav and I are just hanging out while Marc is working so will see how we do alone :-)